JavaZone 2008

22 Sep 2008

I attended JavaZone 2008 in Oslo Spektrum. I quite enjoyed it, though there was not so much hype stuff this year, I guess that new and emerging languages was supposed to fill that role?

New languages: Groovy

Groovy, the Blue Pill: Writing Next Generation Java Code in Groovy: seemed to provide most utility reducing lines of code. That seems to be a good thing until you consider that the biggest shrinkage is accomplished by creating get’ers and set’ers behind the scene.

Groovy, The Red Pill: The Groovy Way to Blow a Buttoned-Down Java Developer’s Mind:

Meta-programming, now we’re talking

New languages: Scala

Introducing the Scala Programming Language:

Scala does provide an inclination towards writing immutable objects, and thus thread-safe code.

How to implement a dynamic (web-based) map

Vector-based maps can be bought from Statens kartverk, publishing rights sold separately.

WMS: Web Map Service.

Commersial: Google, Microsoft, Yahoo

Open: ka-map, OpenLayers.

OpenLayers can wrap commercial service for later substitution.


Test smells

Test duplicates code

Too many expectations (should do 1 thing)

Too many dependencies

Confused Object

Exposed implementation

Test setup requires magic

Environment aware spring context:

Sure bets

I always enjoy good speakers, among this year’s celebrities:

Kevlin Henney (Objects of Desire)

Michael Feathers (Design Sense - Cultivating Deep Software Design Skill)

Robert Cecil Martin (Clean Code III: Functions)

Mary Poppendieck (The Double Paradox of Lean Software Development)

* focus on throughput not utilization (don't fill schedules).
* Don't put work in a long queue that won't be processed, say no.
