Question 4.2 - Prototypes
The size will affect weight, sturdiness and ergonomics. I set out to explore the ergonomics using existing furniture and some other stuff I have lying around.
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From these tests I found that:
- It was slightly uncomfortable to sit on the bench when it was 65 cm wide (and 50 cm high). It should be maximum 60cm wide. Even the narrowest bench-plate (30 cm) was good for sitting.
- I could sit and work comfortably as low as 25cm, and as high as 60 cm.
- I was surprised to find that it was most comfortable when saw was placed at the same height as I was sitting. No reason to lift workpiece or lower seat.
- The bench must be at least 40cm wide to stand miter saw on it.
- The bench must be at least 86cm long if I will sit while using miter saw on it.
- The bench must be at least 40 cm high, or the long saw will hit ground.
- 50 cm is too low for comfort if I stand while working (painting).
- When I stacked up to 90cm, I still felt that it could be made sturdy enough
I made a cardboard box, 40 * 40 * 40 cm with open side and top. I used another plate that I slid along the side to make that side longer. When I had stacked the biggest tools I measured the extendable side to find that is should be minimum 67 cm long.
I clamped on a shelf when the biggest items had been placed, to see what the remaining space could be used for.
Seems like there is enough room.
I set up a sturdy frame around my box, and sat “working” on it while I tried to retrieve tools from the box and put them back.
I found that I could easily access the space when I was sitting right above the opening, or further back (so that the opening stretched past my knees).
The yellow case inside the box was put there in order to find if there was a difference with high low shelves. The higher shelf was easier to use.
Some Measurements
I was most eager to find how big I should make the box/table, so I made a few measurements (all units are centimeters):
- A size of 40 * 90 * 50 and one of 40 * 90 * 90 lwh will fit nicely in store room.
- The biggest tool I want to fit inside is a miter saw 67 cm long, the rack will fit in a 50 * 20 * 25 box.
- 90cm is a good height for standing while working (our kitchen bench). I tried standing work at our kitchen table (75 cm high), and that was quite uncomfortable. I would say that the bench must be at least 85 cm high for standing work.
Question 4.1 - Concept Selection Matrix
This is the second Concept Selection I did. It is based on the sketches included right below it, not the sketches from Assignment 3. The 3 best entries are bolded.
Below you will find the sketches for Selection Matrix above.
A. Flip down side door
I want it to flip down, so I can:
- Put weight on it for added sturdiness.
- Sit on the bench plate and retrieve tools from the box.
B. Sliding doors
The open doors may be used as support when cutting or painting a long piece.
C. Sliding top
The idea was to slide it open, retrieve the tools that I need and (optionally) extend the bench with an extra plate.
D. Box mouth
Hinged vertically - shown half-open.
E. A slide apart
The side walls slide out, and the end wall can be flipped up to serve as extended bench plate.
F. Table-lid
The table closes the box. The table can be mounted high so that I can work standing up.
G. Boxy tablelegs
The bench plate mounts on 2 boxes of same height.
H. Table-side
The sides that closes the box doubles as a table.
I. Box with extension.
Can be extended in all directions.
J. Table and box
Lighter than K below, and stoves better.
K. 2 Boxes
2 boxes of same height, can be placed:
- next to each other
- one on top
- alone (used solo)
Initial Concept Selection
After the concept selection and the resulting matrix below, I felt that my solution space was too big, so I chose to do another idea generation and selection around concept B (Roller Box). The result will be posted (above).