Question 3.2 - 2 Point Perspective
Chair in 2-point perspective, 3/4 view. I put the viewpoint lower than normal to see what it’s like to be 1-year old.
Question 3.1 - Concept Sketches
Figure above shows one decomposition I used - a flowchart of what is normally done in a small crafts project and a flowchart of what a workspace and toolbox is used for (or experiences) during the same project.
A. Stacking Table
Basically a bench for cutting big workpieces with a jig saw or the like, but may be used to support long pieces for sanding or painting.
Emphasizes sturdy support of workpiece.
B. Box in Progress
Box may be folded out to provide a work surface. May enclose the workpiece and store it until work can resume, e.g. repairs with glue, small paint jobs.Emphasizes quick unpack / pack.
C. RollerBox
A box for carpentry. The top should provide good support for hammering but it should be prolonged to provide an overhang where a vise may be fastened.
Emphasizes holding tools.
D. NutCase
An assorter box for for nuts, bolts, nails etc. Our store-room has an angled wall and I tried to make something space-efficient.
Emphasis on storage
E. Project in a Box
Another box that supports a small project in progress. Raise the bottom to work on it, lower the bottom to enclose the project temporarily. It may also be used on top of a messy desk.
F. Slide to Work (into the closet)
Sliding doors at the end of a room may enclose a workshop that is readily set up, can contain work in progress and so needs less tidying / set up / transport. Not very suitable for smelly or dirty work though.
Could be smaller with a desk that pulls out into the room.
G. Secret Room
I would like to have a secret room in the wall, here is also a secret table in the wall, Batman beware!
H. 2-Legged Tabletop
Combine with existing furniture - put a tabletop on a chest of drawers.
I. Tabletop on Top
Similar to the above, but legs may not be needed if the top drawer can provide necessary support. Without legs the tabletop may be stored behind the chest - at least it will not be bigger.
J. Mat With Skirts
As simple as it gets - a protective mat with skirts down 2 sides so it fits the corner of our kitchen table.