Presentation Zen
Page 61: * How much time do I have? * What time of the day? * What’s the venue like? * Who is in the audience? * What is their background? * What do they expect of me / us? * Why was I asked to speak? * What do I want them to do? * What visual medium is most appropriate for this particular situation and audience? * What is the fundamental purpose of my talk? * What’s the stiry here?
* What is my absolutely central point?
All the time, ask: * What is your point? * Why does it matter?
Page 67, 3 parts: 1 slides 2 notes 3 handouts
Page 75, Sticky Messages: * Simplicity * Unexpectedness * Concreteness * Credibility * Emotions * Stories
Page 85, Method 1 Brainstorm away from PC 2 Group and identify the core 3 Storyboarding off the PC 4 Storyboarding on the PC
Page 90, About Storyboards