Regexp for logging of method calls

15 Dec 2008

BeanShell macros (May be run in jEdit)

Copy and paste auto-generated method signature, and run this macro

// rid of tabs, newlines and double spaces
strippSpace( String text ) {
	text    = text.replaceAll( "\\t" , " " );
	text    = text.replaceAll( "\\n?" , "" );
	do {
		 text    = text.replaceAll( "  " , " " );
	} while ( text.indexOf( "  " ) > -1 );
	return text;

// tidy up method call
cleanCall( String text ) {
	text    = text.replaceAll( "\\(\\s*" , "(\n\t" );
	text    = text.replaceAll( ",\\s*" , ",\n\t" );
	text    = text.replaceAll( "\\s*\\)\\s*" , "\n)" );
	return text;

convertMethodSignature2SuperCall( String text ){
	// 2 strings before )
	text    = text.replaceAll( "\\w*\\W?(\\w*)\\W*\\)\\W*" , "$1 );" );
	// 2 strings before comma
	text    = text.replaceAll( "\\w*\\W?(\\w*)\\W*,\\W*" , "$1, " );
	// 3 strings before (
	text    = text.replaceAll( "\\A\\s*\\w*\\s?void\\s?(\\w*)\\s*\\(" , "super.$1(" );
	text    = text.replaceAll( "\\A\\s*\\w*\\s?\\w*\\s?(\\w*)\\s*\\(" , "return super.$1(" );
	return text;

convertMethodSignature2SillyReturn( String text ){
	// 2 strings before )
	text    = text.replaceAll( "\\w*\\W?(\\w*)\\W*\\)\\W*" , "$1 );" );
	// 2 strings before comma
	text    = text.replaceAll( "\\w*\\W?(\\w*)\\W*,\\W*" , "$1, " );
	// 3 strings before (
	text    = text.replaceAll( "\\A\\s*\\w*\\s?void\\s?(\\w*)\\s*\\(" , "" );
	text    = text.replaceAll( "\\A\\s*\\w*\\s?(\\w*)\\s?(\\w*)\\s*\\(" , "return new $1();" );
	return text;

convertMethodSignature2LogStatement( String text ){
	// 2 strings before )
	text    = text.replaceAll( "\\w*\\W?(\\w*)\\W*\\)\\W*" , "\n\t\tSEMAFOR_CALL \"$1\" SEMAFOR_COMMA $1 )\n\t);" );
	// 2 strings before comma
	text    = text.replaceAll( "\\w*\\W?(\\w*)\\W*,\\W*" , "\n\t\tSEMAFOR_CALL \"$1\" SEMAFOR_COMMA $1 )," );
	// 3 strings before parenthesis
	text    = text.replaceAll( "\\A\\s*\\w*\\s?\\w*\\s?(\\w*)\\(" , "\tSEMAFOR_CALL \"$1\" ," );
	// semafors
	text    = text.replaceAll( "SEMAFOR_COMMA" , "," );
	text    = text.replaceAll( "SEMAFOR_CALL" , "toXml(" );
	return text;

String text = Macros.input(view,"Method call:");
if(text == null || "".equals(text))

String text    = strippSpace( text );
String superCall    = convertMethodSignature2SuperCall( text );
String logCall    = convertMethodSignature2LogStatement( text );
String call    = cleanCall( text );
String res    = call + "{\n" + logCall + "\n\t" + superCall + "\n}";

view.getStatus().setMessageAndClear("OK - result on clipboard");

Logging methods

public static String toXml( String name, Object value ) {
	// FixMe: escape xml special characters
	if ( value == null )
		 value    = "";
	return "\t<" + name + ">" + value.toString() + "";
/**  */
public static String toXml( String method, String... items ) {
	String msg    = "";
	if ( items != null && 0 < msg = "<">" + msg + "";
	System.out.println( msg );
	return msg;
view.getStatus().setMessageAndClear("OK - result on clipboard");

Logging methods

public static String toXml( String name, Object value ) {
	// FixMe: escape xml special characters
	if ( value == null )
		 value    = "";
	return "\t<" + name + ">" + value.toString() + "";
/**  */
public static String toXml( String method, String... items ) {
	String msg    = "";
	if ( items != null && 0 < msg    = "<">" + msg + "";
	System.out.println( msg );
	return msg;
